Rachel S. Goldman

Maria Goeppert Mayer Collegiate Professor


2094 H.H. Dow
T: (734) 647-6821




Research Facilities



B.S. (Physics), University of Michigan, 1988
M.S. (Applied Physics), Cornell University, 1992
Ph.D. (Materials Science), University of California, San Diego, 1995



In the Goldman Research Group, we develop strategies for manipulating and identifying atoms in functional inorganic materials for high efficiency solar cells, long-wavelength light-emitters and detectors, high temperature electronics, spintronics, and quantum computing.  Our emphasis is on understanding processing-structure-property correlations in semiconductor films, nanostructures, and heterostructures.  We are primarily experimentalists using ultra-high vacuum techniques including molecular-beam epitaxy (“million buck evaporator”), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and both blanket and focused ion implantation.  We have recently developed computational efforts aimed to assist in our understanding of solute incorporation in alloys (Monte Carlo-Molecular Dynamics simulations of ion-solid interactions) and plasmon-enhanced light-emission from semiconductor nanocomposites (electromagnetic simulations of light-matter interactions) 


Academic experience

University of Michigan

Associate Director, Applied Physics, 2010- present

Graduate Program Advisor, MSE (2008-2012)

Professor, MSE, Physics, and EECS (2008-present)

Associate Professor, MSE (2003-2007), Physics (2007), EECS (2004-07)

Assistant Professor, MSE (2000-2003)

Dow Corning Assistant Professor, MSE (1997-99)

Harvard University

Visiting Scientist, Engineering & Applied Sciences (2006)

Augustus Anson Whitney Fellow, Radcliffe Institute (2005-2006)

Carnegie Mellon University

Postdoctoral Fellow, Physics (1996-1997)

Non-academic experience

Thomson CSF Laboratoire Central de Recherches (Orsay, France), Research Assistant, 1988

Brookhaven National Laboratory (Upton, NY), Research Assistant, 1986



National and International (recent and selected)

Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2021

50th Anniversary Distinguished Alumna, UC-San Diego, 2015

Fellow of the American Physical Society, 2012

Fellow of the American Vacuum Society, 2012

Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, 2008

Augustus Anson Whitney Fellow, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard, 2005-06

Best Student Oral Presentation (Advisor), Electronic Materials Conference, 2004

Peter Mark Memorial Award, American Vacuum Society, 2002

National Science Foundation Career Award, 1998-2003

MRS Graduate Student Award (equivalent to “Gold” Award), 1994

Williams' Award, University of Michigan, 1988

Alumni Giving Scholarship, U-Michigan, 1984

Minnesota Educational Computer Consortium Contest, 1st place award, 1978

University, College, Department (recent and selected)

Maria Goeppert Mayer Collegiate Professor, 2023-

Senior Fellow, Michigan Society of Fellows, 2017-21

Raymond J. and Monica E. Schultz Outreach and Diversity Award, UM CoE, 2019

Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award, 2016

Senior Fellow, Sweetland Writing Center, 2014

Monroe-Brown Foundation Service Excellence Award, 2011

Outstanding Achievement Award, 2010

Ted Kennedy Family Team Excellence Award, 2004

Dow Corning Assistant Professorship, 1997-1999

Williams Award, Physics Department, 1988

Alumni Giving Scholarship, 1984

Service activities

National and International

European Research Council, Advanced Grant Panel, 2022-2023, 2024-2025

External Review Committee, Materials Science Program, UC-San Diego, 2023 (Chair)

External Review Committee, Department of Physics, SUNY-Binghamton, 2023

Materials Laboratories of the Future: Instrumentation and Infrastructure to Accelerate the Unification of the Materials Innovation Infrastructure, virtual, November 16-17, 2022

Los Alamos National Laboratory Materials Capability Review  Committee, 2021

External Review Committee, Department of Physics, UNC - Chapel Hill, 2020

Department of Energy, Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, Scientific Advisory Committee, 2017-present (Chair, 2019-present) 

Swedish Academy of Sciences, Goran Gustafson Prize Award Committee, 2016

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Report: “Assessment of Solid-State Lighting, Phase 2”, Reviewer, 2016

Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory Triennial Review (Upton, NY), 2013

Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences, Committee of Visitors, 2012

Stanford Global Climate and Energy Project (GCEP), Level II Review Panel, 2012

National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Energy Frontiers Research Center, Advisory Committee, 2011-2015

Gordon Research Conference on Defects in Semiconductors, Vice Chair to Chair (2024-2028)

North American Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Program Chair, 2011

Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces, Program Chair, 2008

Editorial (recent)

Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Physics, 2017 – present

Editorial Board, MRS News, 2012–present

Associate Editor, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2002–2017

Associate Editor, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, 2001–2006

University and College (recent)

President's COVID Council, 2021-2022

Provost's Academic Affairs Advisory Committee, 2020-2023 (Chair, 2021-2022)

Rackham Graduate School Executive Board, 2019-2022; 2023-2024

President's/Provost's Culture Change Working Group, 2021-2022

Bargaining Team for the 2021 Lecturer Employee's Organization (LEO) Contract, 2020-2021

Wilmer-Hale Report Task Force, 2020-2021

Provost's Review Committee for the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program, 2018

President's Advisory Committee for Honorary Degrees, 2017-2020

Undergraduate Admissions Review Committee, 2017-2020

Dean's Advisory Committee on Female Faculty, 2017-2020

CoE Executive Committee, 2014-2017

LSA Sweetland Writing Center Executive Committee, 2015-2018

Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, 2010-2013

Provost’s Capital Projects Review Committee, 2010-2013

General Counsel’s Advisory Committee, 2010-2016

Student Relations Advisory Committee, 2010-16

Rackham Divisional Board, 2003-2005

Academic Senate Assembly, 2002-2005

Faculty Advisor, Society of Women Engineers, 1998-2003

MSE Department

Functional Materials Search Committee (Chair), 2022-2023

Hands-on Learning Taskforce, 2020

Faculty Lunch Table Coordinator, 2019-2020

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair, 2017-2018

Curriculum Committee (Chair), 2013-2014

Graduate Program Advisor, 2008-2012

Materials Science & Engineering Advisory Committee, 2007-2011

Graduate Committee (Chair), 2004-2013, 2023-2025 (2008-2012)

Chair Search Advisory Committee, 2004-2005

Faculty Search Advisory Committee, 2003-2004; 2007-2008

Advanced Materials and Processing Education Center Taskforce (Chair), 1998-2000

Undergraduate Committee, 1997-2003

Physics Department

Saturday Morning Physics Co-organizer, 2023-2024

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 2019-2023

Graduate Awards Committee (Chair), 2007-2008; 2017-2018; (2018-2019)

Condensed Matter/AMO Seminar Organizer, 2011-2012

Williams Award/ Honors Senior Thesis Reader Committee, 2010-2011; 2014-2016; 2018-2019

Leadership in professional organizations

American Physical Society

Division of Materials Physics, Chair Line (2019-2023)

Forum on Industrial & Applied Physics, Member-at-Large (2007–2010)

Topical Group on Energy Research, Founding Advisory Committee, 2009

Focus Session Organizer: “Materials for Solar Energy” (DMP, 2007), “Dilute Nitride Semiconductors: From Atoms to Devices” (FIAP, 2005), "Nanometer-scale Morphologies of Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films" (DMP, 2001)

AVS Science & Technology Society

Trustee (2009-11); Board of Directors (2005-2008)

Chair, Vice-Chair, Electronic Materials & Processing Division (2002–2004)

Chair, Vice-Chair, Michigan Chapter (1997–1999)

The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society

John Bardeen Award Committee (2006-2009)

Electronic Materials Committee (2003-2009; 2016-2022)